1. M.B. Irimes, D.G. Macovei, D. Bogus, O. Hosu, M. Tertis, R. Oprean, C. Cristea, Direct electrochemical detection of Kynurenic acid – Application of nanocomposite materials for wearable sensor design, Poster presentation from The Days of the „Iuliu HaÅ£ieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 5-9 of December 2022, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
2. M. Tertis, A. Pusta, M. Zagrean, M. Suciu, C. Cristea, Design of innovative nanostructured platforms for the electrochemical detection of gluten. Poster presentation from The Days of the „Iuliu HaÅ£ieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 5-9 of December 2022, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
3. M.B. Irimes, D.G. Macovei, O. Hosu, M. Tertis, R. Oprean, C. Cristea, Direct electrochemical detection of Kynurenic acid in biological samples – a step towards point-of-care diagnosis. Poster presentation from 20th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, 24-30 of June 2022, Pecs, Hungary.
4. M. Tertis, A. Pusta, M. Zagrean, M. Suciu, C. Cristea, Design of innovative nanostructured platforms for the electrochemical detection of gluten. Poster presentation from 20th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, 24-30 of June 2022, Pecs, Hungary.
5. A. Pusta, M. Tertis, R. Turcu, L. Vekas, C. Cristea, Characterization of aptamer-functionalized magnetic nano-carriers for the targeted treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Poster presentation from Journées d’Electrochimie 2022, 4-7 of July 2022, Mons, Belgium.
6. A. Pusta, B. Ciocan, A.B. Kovács, M. Tertis, I. Craciunescu, A. Petran, R. Turcu, L. Vekas, C. Cristea, Magnetic nano-carriers for the targeted delivery of antitumor drug sorafenib. Poster presentation from Biosystems in Toxicology and Pharmacology - Current Challenges, Online – 8-9 of September, 2022.
7. M.B. IrimeÈ™, M. TertiÈ™, R. Oprean, C. Cristea, Customized platform for electrochemical detection of inflammatory biomarkers for wearable application, Oral presentation from the 21st International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, 10-15 of July 2023, Târgu MureÅŸ, Romania.
8. A. Pusta, M. TertiÈ™, D. Kezan, D. Bogdan, M. Suciu, I. FizeÈ™an, C. Cristea, Electrochemical aptasensor for the detection of HepG2 cells, Cecilia Cristea, Oral presentation from the 21st International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, 10-15 of July 2023, Târgu MureÅŸ, Romania.
9. M.B. IrimeÈ™, M. TertiÈ™, C. Cristea, Customized flexible platform functionalized with nanocomposite materials applied for kynurenic acid determination, Poster presentation from “The 74th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry ISE 2023", 3-8 of September 2023, Lyon, France.
10. A. Pusta, M. Tertis, D. Kezan, D. Bogdan, M. Suciu, I. Fizesan, C. Cristea, Label-Free Electrochemical Aptasensor for the Detection of HepG2 Cancer Cells, Poster presentation from “The 74th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry ISE 2023", 3-8 of September 2023, Lyon, France.
11. A. Pusta, M. Tertis, I. Bura, S. Mirel, C. Cristea, Electrochemical Sensor for the Quality Control of Novel Doxorubicin Pharmaceutical Formulations, Poster presentation from the “Processes in Isotopes and Molecules – PIM 2023", 19-22 of September 2023, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
12. M.B. IrimeÈ™, M. Tertis, R. Oprean, C. Cristea, Determinarea electrochimică directă a acidului kinurenic în fluide biologice folosind o platformă personalizată pentru aplicarea purtabilă, Oral presentation from the National Congress of Pharmacy from Romania CNFR– XIX Edition, 27-29 of September 2023, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
13. M.B. IrimeÈ™, A. Pusta, M. TertiÈ™, R. Oprean, C. Cristea, Customized nanoplatform for electrochemical detection of cortisol, Poster presentation from the “Applications of Chemistry in Nanosciences and Biomaterials Engineering, NanoBioMat 2023 – Winter Edition”, Online, 22-24 of November 2023.
14. C. Cristea, M. Tertis, A. Cernat, B. Feier, Capteurs Électrochimiques Actuels Portables et Ingérables. Vers des Systèmes Intégrés pour un Diagnostic Rapide, Symposium de la recherche scientifique Francophone en Europe Centrale et Orientale, 27-28 of November 2023, Bucharest, Romania.
15. M.B. IrimeÈ™, A. Pusta, P. CărăuÈ™, A. Dragoslav, K. Obretin, A. Tăbârță, M. TertiÈ™, R. Oprean, C. Cristea, Electrochemical aptasensor for cortisol detection in biological fluids based on a customized platform, Poster presentation from The Days of the „Iuliu HaÅ£ieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 4-8 of December 2023, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
16. M.B. IrimeÈ™, M. Tertis, R. Oprean, C. Cristea, Electrochemical direct detection of inflammatory-associated biomarkers, Poster presentation from The Days of the „Iuliu HaÅ£ieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 4-8 of December 2023, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
17. A. Pusta, M. TertiÈ™, D. Kezan, D. Bogdan, M. Suciu, I. FizeÈ™an, C. Cristea, Electrochemical aptasensor for the impedimetric detection of HepG2 cells, Poster presentation from The Days of the „Iuliu HaÅ£ieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 4-8 of December 2023, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
18. A. Pusta, M. Tertiș, B. Ciocan, I. Crăciunescu, R. Turcu, I. Fizeșan, V. Diculescu, C. Cristea, Aptamer modified magnetic nano-carriers for the targeted therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma, Poster presentation from 17th Edition of the European Symposium on Controlled Drug Delivery, 10-12 of April 2024, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands.
19. A. Pusta, M. Tertiș, R. Turcu, V. Diculescu, C. Cristea, Development of innovative nano-systems for the targeted treatment of cancer, Oral presentation from the 9th Edition of the International Workshop of Materials Physics, 14-16 of May 2024, București, Romania.
20. M.-B. Irimes, A. Pusta, M. Tertis, R. Oprean, C. Cristea, Aptamer-based nanoplatform for the electrochemical detection of cortisol in biological samples, Poster presentation from Aptamers 2024 Oxford, 18-19 of March, Oxford, England
21. M. TertiÅŸ, M.-B. Irimes, A. Pusta, A. Tabirta, C. Cristea Electrochemical aptasensor for detecting cortisol in biological fluids based on a tailored nanoplatform, Poster presentation from Journée d’Electrochimie 2024, 1-5 of July 2024, Saint-Malo, France.
22. M.-B. Irimes, A. Pusta, M. Tertis, A. Tabirta, C. Cristea, Detection of cortisol levels in biological fluids: a tailored electrochemical approach, Poster presentatio from 19th International Conference on Electroanalysis (ESEAC) 2024, 23-26 of July, Ulm, Germany